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Vmware Player Tools Os X 10 Stuck Startup

I've run into a bit of a snag and I'm using VMware Fusion, 2.0.1. This happened with previous versions too, btw, and I first noticed this problem occurring when I was using the evaluation version. Basically my virtual machine based on the bootcamp partition will freeze on startup before the Windows XP screen will show up. After the VMware BIOS (whatever VMWare screen is supposed to be) loads, the screen turns black except for a stuck white cursor as shown in the attached picture. I can still restart my computer and boot into the windows partition just fine, but it doesn't let me use VM with VMware.

Vmware Player Tools Os X 10 Stuck Startup

I used to think it concerned vmware tools, but that doesn't seem to be the root cause. This last time I went from one day using it just fine, to another getting this screen. The fix has always been the same: delete the 'Boot Camp' folder under /Library/Application Support/VMWare/Virtual Machines. The next time I start VMware it sets up the virtual machine again (picture 2) and it will work. I then have to reinstall vmware tools and I'm off and running (picture 4).

Basically my virtual machine based on the bootcamp partition will freeze on startup before the Windows XP screen will show up. After the VMware BIOS (whatever VMWare screen is supposed to be) loads, the screen turns black except for a stuck white cursor as shown in the attached picture. I can still restart my computer and boot into the windows partition just fine, but it doesn't let me use VM with VMware.

Not sure if this will be helpful or not, but I have been able to change the resolution of my Mac OS X vm's by using the esxi command line 'vim-cmd vmsvc/setsreenres' command. This appears to work for any vm that has vmware-tools installed. I use this command since I often connect to vm's running on esxi via my 11" macbook air and it has a screen resolution of 1366x768. By issuing this command I am able to change the VM's screen resolution. To use the command, log into the host esxi that the vm is running on and issue this command:

Mark, I was just hunting for the same solution. Just yesterday, I copied the script from my Fusion 8.1 vmware tools folder to one of my ESXi 6 OSX guests. Running that command every time you reboot is obviously not optimal, although... it might have a performance consequence, I don't know. In my particular application, if there is a slight performance hit, it won't matter.

I tried the 10.0.5 vmware tools on OSX 10.11.3 running under ESXi 5.5 and the keyboard stops working using both vmrc and thick-client console, so that's a no-go for me. The earlier tools (9.9.2) do not have this issue.

Hi William,First, many thanks for your posts.Then, it worked simply for me (mac mini esxi server with updated vmware tools and a 10.11 WM) by simply adding more total video memory to 128Mo and setting max resolution to 1920 to 1080. No need to modify the vmx file in this case. Using sudo makes the change persistent.

I had the problem, that your solution doesnt work on workstation 12.5.5 and windows 10. I've recreated the vmx file as hw gen 10 version. after that everything works as expected with latest vmware tools. hope this helps.

I recalled that reinstalling vmware-tools and rebooting could fix the kernel extension not starting. Doing so not only allwed vmware-resoluton to running properly but also the corner dragging started working (was not working because vmware-tools was not running).

I have installed Ubuntu desktop on vmware player 5.0.2 on windows 7 64bit os. after installing vmware tools on the desktop it always stops and giving installing vmware tools. please wait. its a continuous process and not showing gui or command line either. . Any help will be appriciated..I can not upload images here...

hey i tried installing mac os in vmware using this method ,VM boots currectly with apple logo on starting but stucks on revolving ball with umbrella like colors on it as in images shown below pls hlp.

If you have created a System Restore point or system image backup with Windows snap-in tools, you can try using the restore point or image file to restore the PC to a normal state when you encounter the getting Windows ready stuck issue.

my server was stuck in startup recovery, but turned out to be a broken SATA cable. when i replaced the cable it then still booted up into startup recovery but gave me a continue option, i clicked it and it booted into server 2012 as normal, so make sure your cables are all good if you are on physical server.

Enable vmware-vmblock-fuse systemd services (make sure the dependencies are manually installed, or that the -s flag) used. The open-vm-tools source code should be checked out using the Arch Build System.

I run Yosemite on vmware 10.0.4 on Win 8.1. All run fine, i've just one issue with resolution, but just for boot screen and logon screen at 800X600. On the logoff screen there isnt the resolution issue. I've installed vmware tools but I don't remember version. would there be any solution?

It works fine for me. But we need to install all necessary tools in order to make it works. I also stuck when apply the PreferencePane it show an error. But no worry just -system-integrity-proctection-in-macos/ and it good to go. Don't forget to press windows key + R during reboot the mac os for windows user. Anyway thanks for solution.

I wonder what EMC and VMware will say when and if Cisco decides that it wants to replace UIM with the new Cisco Cloupia solution in VBLOCK. Who knows? Maybe they will come to a friendly agreement of giving the customer a choice of management tools. Both Cloupia and Gale technologies were on my radar and favorites in this space and I am glad they were picked up by these A players.




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