Licence For Mplab Xc8 Compiler ##BEST## Crackl
Fixed errors:fixed compiler error when result of complex expression that used left shift wasn't promoted to 32 bits
fixed compiler error when byte was shifted left by 16
fixed problems in BoostBuild remote build server
fixed problem when pdf help files could not be launched under windows 7 from SourceBoost IDE Help menu
removed incorrect compiler warning when variable passed into a call as a reference was reported as uninitialised
Documentation:added chapter about large memory model into compiler help
added detailed description of long promotion into compiler help
added chapter about efficient way to write byte stream into a variable into compiler help
System libraries:added ___get_heap_info function that shows size of allocated/free heap memory (PIC18 only)
BoostWizard:added support for LCD driver
added support for UART driver
MPLAB:added support for optimisation levels 0/1/2 into compiler integration into MPLAB
SourceBoost V7.21 (28-Jan-2014) fixed problem in code generation for binary 'or' operation for 8 and 16 bit constants
added 7 segment leds plugin
added check for admin when running preg under vista or above
BoostBuild protocol rewritten to improve reliability
added support for arrays declared in PIC16F1xxx linear address space
added error for non-array variables placed into linear address range
added SourceBoost IDE menu to reset bar layout
fixed caret blink rate to match system settings
fixed SourceBoost IDE search problem when some legitimate files were skipped (caused by these file attributes excluded from search)
added compile time output for verbose mode
preg updated to give a hint to continue with pressing the OK button when ide or goodies are selected
fixed problem where last changes caused ICD register reservations not to work on some targets (namely PIC12F629, and potentially others)
replaced shortcut in SourceBoost IDE to the Workspace menu from Crl+W to Ctrl+A
added address truncation detection in linker so that addresses that can't be reached with normal instruction addressing, but need fsr use, are flagged
added support for PIC18F24K50, PIC18F25K50 and PIC18F45K50
fixed broken heap allocation code for PIC16x targets
added support for wizard extension and expansion trough lua based scripting
added wizard support for PIC18 targets
SourceBoost V7.20 (04-June-2013) Fixed ide crash at startup (happens when last project that is being opened at startup contains TODO or FIXME in its sources)
Fixed incomplete code generation for pointers increment and decrement when large memory model is used
Fixed binary or problem with 8 and 16 bit long constants
User selection for "enable build server" setup setting is remembered between installations
SourceBoost V7.12 (12-May-2013) fixed pointer container member increment and decrement
made installation of the build server optional
fixed problem with Mplab X integration
fixed problem when compiler in some cases generated duplicate labels for complex expressions
fixed Novo RTOS issue when code locked up when task was put to sleep
fixed IDE crash that happened when IDE fails to parse wizard templates
fixed problem with PREINC and POSTDEC registers when generating code for PIC16x targets
SourceBoost V7.11(18-February-2013) fixed watch window for very big values for unsigned long type
fixed problem when debug session wasn't closed correctly when another workspace was opened during debugging
boostlink.exe renamed into boostlink_picmicro.exe
installation modified to check DEP settings only if wmic.exe is present
installation updated to include vc2008 redistributives
removed -swcs linker option prom proj file (this option is stored in config file and is auto-generated if missing in novo projects)
re-built lcd_helper.lib library from BoostBasic examples using latest tools
open workspace now lets user select from both workspace and project files
ide changed to store extra options in config file
updated ide check for novo based projects that have missing -swcs linker option
fixed random ide crash
fixed bug when ide did not enclose prebuild.bat and postbuild.bat commands into double quotes if their path contained spaces
fixed (disabled?) crash under Windows 7 64bit "The activation context being deactivated is not the most recently activated one"
fixed bug in error reporting when target config file was not found
PIC18 eeprom library split into 2: 8 and 16 bit addressing
fixed Novo bug: Tasks executed when not expected. Caused by incorrect capature to maximum task priority.
added #ifndef and #endif into system headers to prevent multiple inclusion of header files.
added sorting for files in the workspace tree
updated mplabx plugin
fixed problem when compiler was reported an error for function pointer declaration when one extern and another not extern were used
fixed problem in IDE when wizard didn't work if there was no active project (i.e. in empty workspace)
fixed problem when release build didn't parse empty bit names in config file correctly (i.e. BitNames = "","","","NOT_TO","NOT_PD","Z","DC","C";)
fixed problem when optimisation (dead code removal) was being applied when it shouldn't.
fixed linker bug when code page switch lost in some functions containing asm code
fixed problem when setup didn't stop build service and this caused error later when service file was supposed to be overwritten
fixed problems with expressions enclosed into parentheses
increased various preprocessor limits like macros size or include depth
SourceBoost V7.10(03-July-2012) Installation
Licence For Mplab Xc8 Compiler Crackl